‘My time as a navigator taught me if you are not sure of your destination, then you will never reach it. When you know where you are located, you can plot a course towards your dream life. Be kind to yourself, but make sure to be honest too. A great question to ask yourself is this: “If my life ended tomorrow, would I die satisfied with myself and the life I lived?”’
In order to create the life we want, we need to be specific about the changes we need to make towards it. Life is an abstract entity, but it’s possible to define certain areas, such as work, relationships, family, friends, home life, accommodation, inner peace. Most of us find we are are very happy in some of these areas, yet there are others we would like to change. Asking the following key questions will help you understand where you are now.
1. Answer the following questions to discover how you feel about your life:
Are you happy with your home life?
If yes, why? If not, what changes would you like to see?
Are you happy with your relationship/relationship status?
If yes, why, if not, what changes would you like to see?
Are you happy with your career?
If yes, why, if not, what changes would you like to see?
Are you happy with your current location, the house you live in, the region, the country?
If yes, why, if not, what changes would you like to see?
Are you happy with your relations with your family and friends?
If yes, why, if not, what changes would you like to see?
Are you happy with your social life? Do you have one?
If yes, why, if not, what changes would you like to see?
Are you happy with your inner peace/confidence etc.?
If yes, why, if not, what changes would you like to see?
Are you happy with your fitness? Your body shape? Your health?
Do you have bad habits you want to drop?
Healthy habits you want to develop?
Are there hobbies and passions you want to improve? Can one of these form your new career if you are unhappy with your current one?
Are you taking too much or too little responsibility in your life?
2. Write a list with less or more written at the top. For example:
Quarrels with my partner
Distance in my commute
Family time
3. Be aware of your skillset and your weaknesses. For example:
Saying sorry
Time keeping


Before imagining where you would like to be, it’s helpful to take stock of what you love, like or dislike about your life now.