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Image by Brian Mann

The thinkmiracle online program

Achieving your life’s goals, finding true happiness, relieving stress and anxiety, or forgiving someone who hurt you takes time. Still, it’s precious time well invested in your long-term physical and emotional wellbeing.


My online course, the thinkmiracle program, takes all I learned as I went through my own personal hell and distills it down into weekly lessons. Quite deliberately, the time needed each week has been kept to a minimum.

The thinkmiracle program is a seven-week course delivered to you once a week via email. It will require you to commit seriously to one thing: the willingness to change your life. This course is not about going through the motions; it will require your dedication and desire to implement lasting change in your life. If you do that, then at the end instead of despair, you will see possibilities. You will be able to turn your life around as I did, use your pain as a lesson, and recapture the excitement of living an inspired life.
The course explores these key elements, and together they will help you build a new foundation that moves you forward.

Image by Mike Marrah


Being grateful has a proven link to happiness. I talk you through how taking the time to be thankful for all your positives can change your perspective and your life.

Image by Omid Armin


Deeply relaxing, meditation provides our minds with a much-needed breather. With regular practice it will help you transform your life. I will show you how.

Image by Content Pixie

Spiritual First Aid

In this section, you will find techniques to help you de-stress in difficult times as well as inspiration to look at life through a new lens.

Image by Olimpo Avila Salazar


Improve your physical and emotional wellbeing with regular, gentle exercise. Boost your confidence, relieve stress and increase your energy levels.

Image by Edgar Castrejon


Once we being to make the right food choices, our bodies crave those healthier foods. We will help you make those changes with inspirational and practical advice, increasing your energy levels, boosting your immune system and improving general health.

Image by Jon Moore

Tree of Life

This is a powerful and life-changing exercise that forms the heart of our Retreat programs. I will show you how to undergo this process at home and help you uncover the painful emotions that are holding you back.

Image by Sidhra Ibrahim

Dream Board

Creating a dream board is a powerful way to visualise the life you want. It's great fun and helps in the process of understanding what happiness looks like for you. We show you how!

Be inspired!

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thinkmiracle® | Find your happiness | Worldwide Free Resources | Lisbon Headquarters

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